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Shaping our Reparative Futures: Tackling Racial Injustice and Inequalities

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Shaping our Reparative Futures: Tackling Racial Injustice and Inequalities

Reparative Futures is a £10 million programme which aims to tackle racial injustice and inequalities both within the University itself and in the local communities we work with.

This is our first student engagement event, where we’re inviting you to join us in co-creating what the University’s journey to tackle racial injustice might look like. Join staff from the Reparative Futures Programme and your SU Officers to help shape this important initiative.

You’ll hear from speakers Kimberley Prado and Delano Gournet-Moore and take part in discussions around what good looks like for Reparative Futures to be a success in 5-10 years' time, and how the University might be able to make positive changes for current students now.

Food and non-alcoholic drinks will be provided as part of the event.

This event is open to undergraduate students who self-identify as Black, or as part of a minority ethnic group.

Speaker Profiles

Kimberley Prado

Background and Journey:

Kim Prado is a British-Cape Verdean, freedom fighter, a mother and the Executive Director of Houria CIC. Her journey from a celebrated chef to a modern slavery activist is marked by a deep commitment to social justice. After studying Modern Slavery at the University of Bristol in 2019, Kim conceived the Houria concept, blending her passion for cooking, coaching, and advocacy into a Bristol-based social enterprise.

Houria's Mission:

As the heart of Houria, Kim leads a catering organisation that empowers migrant women and female survivors of modern slavery. Houria offers meaningful employment, training, and a supportive community while advocating against slavery and racism. Kim's dedication to uplifting her Sisters through culinary artistry and shared stories fuels Houria's mission.

Leadership and Vision:

Kim's leadership embodies expertise, passion, and entrepreneurial spirit, inspiring a rethink of community engagement. Beyond exquisite meals, Houria fosters spaces for connection and healing. Kim's commitment to her employees' well-being is evident in weekly pampering sessions, aimed at elevating their expectations and nurturing their spirits.

Testimonials and Legacy:

Houria isn't just a culinary venture; it's a sanctuary where food nourishes the body and soul. Employees speak of the spiritual healing and empowerment found within its walls. Kim's legacy as a modern slavery activist and social entrepreneur is one of transformation, where every dish serves as a catalyst for societal change.

Kimberley Prado's journey epitomises the power of individuals to effect positive change. Through Houria, she not only provides meals but also creates spaces where people find dignity, empowerment, and hope. Her story challenges us to imagine a world where every act of kindness contributes to a brighter, more equitable future.

Delano Gournet-Moore


Delano Gournet-Moore is a dedicated Systems Change Manager at SEEN (Barbardos), a prominent centre committed to enhancing outcomes for children and young individuals of African Caribbean and Asian descent. With a profound passion for advocating social justice and dismantling systemic inequalities, Delano's work is rooted in amplifying the voices of marginalized communities, particularly those affected by racism.


Delano's expertise lies in independent research focused on comprehending the lived experiences of individuals impacted by racism. Through immersive frontline dialogues, Delano employs a methodology that prioritises centring and empowering the voices of those directly affected by racism. His research endeavours encompass multi-variable qualitative analysis, delving into nuanced aspects of anti-Black racism experienced by both students and staff within Bristol universities. Furthermore, he spearheaded a comprehensive two-year research initiative shedding light on the phenomenon of anti-Black misandry as experienced by young, working-class Black men in Bristol.

Professional Contributions:

Within his role as Systems Change Manager, Delano facilitates transformative initiatives aimed at catalysing systemic change. He leverages his research findings to inform policy recommendations, program development, and advocacy strategies, all geared towards fostering equitable outcomes for marginalized communities. Delano's contributions extend beyond the confines of his organization, as he actively engages with stakeholders, policymakers, and community leaders to enact sustainable change on a broader scale.

Vision and Impact:

Driven by a vision of a more inclusive and equitable society, Delano's work embodies a commitment to challenging entrenched power structures and fostering environments that uphold diversity, equity, and inclusion. Through his efforts, he strives to cultivate spaces where the voices and experiences of marginalized communities are not only acknowledged but also serve as catalysts for meaningful societal transformation. Delano's impact resonates not only within the realms of research and advocacy but also in the tangible improvements witnessed in the lives of those he serves.

Future Endeavours:

Looking ahead, Delano remains steadfast in his dedication to advancing racial equity and social justice. He aims to further expand his research portfolio, exploring additional dimensions of systemic oppression and marginalized experiences. Moreover, he seeks to forge collaborative partnerships and alliances to amplify the collective impact of his work and drive sustained progress towards a more just and inclusive future.


Venue : Pegg Theatre, The Richmond Building

Type: Alcohol Free Events, Campaigns, Featured Events, Free

Start Date: Wednesday 01-05-2024 - 17:30

End date: Wednesday 01-05-2024 - 20:30


Contact Details

Bristol SU Events Team

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