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Sustainability Month 2023

This November is Sustainability Month at Bristol SU! 🌱

Throughout the month, we'll be providing you with supportive spaces and opportunities to take collective action! After all, as a global community of students and staff, we can work together to make a sustainable impact - both nationally and internationally.

You might already be familiar with our sustainability opportunities, but maybe you're not sure what we've got on offer. Either way, our Sustainability Month event series is a great way for us to start, or continue, making positive change together.

If you'd like to get involved this month, take a few minutes to browse some of the exciting and important events we've got planned. You can also find out what we've been up to so that you can stay sustainable all year round.

Students helping to pot plants

"Climate action, sustainability, and global justice are priorities for me as an individual, which is why they play such an influence on my work as your Full Time Officer. Sustainability Month is so important because it offers all students a space to access and engage in a range of different events – where we can come together collectively to make crucial changes. I have been working to make sure that the events on offer this month are educational and encourage circular economy, volunteering, or activism. We’re currently facing a climate crisis, and it’s vital for us all to act together with urgency."

Izzy Russell
Student Living Officer

To tackle climate change we need to look at it from all angles, which is why our events this month will be so varied! From the launch of our brand new Swap Shop, to educational conversations about climate change. You're invited to think about the way we view the world for long-term sustainable change, and get involved in community-based projects and lifestyle changes that can make a direct impact now.

From right here in Bristol, we can make a sustainable change when we act together. You shouldn’t ever have to feel alone when thinking about the climate crisis and what you can do to lessen its impact. Our events are a great way to meet like-minded people who may also be passionate about sustainable education, lifestyle changes, and volunteering projects. There'll be a Vegan Potluck to celebrate National Noodle Day the plant-based way, International Students' Gardening Volunteering, conversations about how we can all work towards a green future in our everyday lives, and more! Make sure to take a look at the events below to find something that takes your interest.

We know that Climate and Eco Anxiety (distress as a result of the climate and ecological crises) is rising, especially amongst young people. This is a completely reasonable and logical response to the climate crisis and a genuine cause of anxiety and stress amongst our students and staff. Sustainability Month is about raising awareness that you don’t have to tackle these feelings alone, but we'll always have resources and help on offer. You can check out some of these on our Climate Anxiety page.

Ways we're helping you stay sustainable

Students considering which kitchen items they might like to take

Donate Your Plate

Over the Welcome period, we ran our popular Donate Your Plate campaign!🍜🍴

Students moving out of halls donated all of their odd bits of kitchenware, and we handed them out to you in September. Donate your Plate is the answer to unwanted move-out waste and initial move-in costs!

Keep an eye out for a future Donate Your Plate event, and try not to throw out any kitchenware (like forks and spoons, pots and pans) that could be used by someone else!

Female student considering whether to purchase a new item of clothing

Swap Shop

We’re excited to announce that we’re opening a mini swap shop in the SU Living Rooms!🍝👕

A bit about the Swapshop:

We’re making some exciting changes to Living Room 1, turning the cubbyholes into a community lader – where you can pick up free canned and non-perishable food! Donations of sealed, in-date canned food, pasta, flour, and other bits with a long shelf life are very welcome and encouraged.

Next to this, there will be a clothing rail, with non-stained and non-damaged clothing on offer. If you have any clothes that are in good condition, but you never wear any more – bring them along so that someone else can give them a new home.

At our launch during Sustainability Month, there will be free food and drink on offer – you’re invited to come along, and donate food or clothes! Help us combat waste and the cost of living!

A front on photo of a bookcase with a number of books, plants and statues in it

Book Swap

Our very own Book Swap is coming to the Living Rooms in Senate House!📚

A bit about the Book Swap:

This is a sustainable, and free, way to enjoy reading and sharing books! So, if you have a dusty pile of literature building up in your room, or maybe just a favourite book that you’d love to share, bring it along and donate to our Book Swap! In return, you can take a book that takes your fancy.

The Book Swap will always be available to you, there’s no need to ask anyone before you swap a book!

  • Living Room 1 is where you can find and donate fiction, info-tiles you’re your academic interests and studies!
  • Living Room 2 will be the place for non-fiction, come along and grab a book you can read for pleasure.

If you’re part of a student group and would like to use the space for your own themed book swaps, let us know!