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5 Ways to Have a More Sustainable Christmas

Thursday 08-12-2022 - 09:50

Christmas is a time of year that many of us look forward to, however, it can also be one of the most wasteful times of the year. As we look to reduce our environmental impact and become more sustainable, here are five ways to be more sustainable this Christmas:

1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:

Christmas presents wrapped in paper.

A great way to cut down on waste during the holiday season is to reduce, reuse, and recycle wherever possible. Instead of buying gifts that will be thrown away, try to look for presents that can be reused, such as homemade items or second-hand items. When it comes to wrapping gifts, opt for reusable fabric bags or recycled paper instead of single-use materials. Also, when receiving gifts this year, think about how you can also reuse wrapping paper and decorations you receive rather than throwing them away after just one use.

2. Shop Local:

Shopping locally is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and support your local economy. Instead of shopping online or at large chain stores, consider buying gifts from local artisans or small businesses. From food to decorations, finding Bristol suppliers helps to reduce emissions from transport and supports small businesses.

3. Choose Eco-Friendly Decorations:

Handmade Christmas decoration

Many decorations are made from plastic and other non-biodegradable materials. Look for decorations made from sustainable materials, such as bamboo or recycled paper, or even make your own decorations from items you already have. You can even host a decoration making party like we did at the SU.

4. Host a Waste-Free Christmas Party:

This year when you’re planning your festive get together with housemates, think about choosing an eco-friendly meal (vegetarian or locally sourced meat) and avoid dishes with lots of packaging. You can also ask any guests to bring containers for leftovers and if you have any used non-perishable foods, consider donating them to a local food bank – you can find a list from the Trussell Trust here.

5. Think about energy consumption:

There’s lots of ways to reduce your energy over Christmas- from ensuring any Christmas tree or outdoor lights are using LED bulbs, to putting on your warmest festive jumper and walking to the last few lectures of the year instead of driving. Consider how you can cook as a group, turn off lights in unused rooms and use public transport if you’re heading home over the winter break.


This month's Be the Change theme is electricals and we have lots of advice on how to reduce your consumerist ways as well as events and talks to attend which you can find here: Be the Change



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sustainability, Be the Change, eco-friendly, waste-free, sustainable,

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