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Top Tips to Look After Yourself During Assessment Season

Friday 13-01-2023 - 15:26

For many of us, the New Year brings with it exams, assessments and deadlines - and it's always worse when it's winter. Here are some of our top tips to look after yourself during assessment season (and remember there's plenty to look forward to once exams are over):

Take a Break

Students playing table football in the Bristol SU Living Room in Senate House

Taking breaks while preparing for exams and assessments can help you stay focused and reduce stress. Balancing your studying with breaks and self-care will also be better for your wellbeing.

It might not feel like the best use of time, but there have been plenty of studies to show your brain works more effectively when given regular breaks. Try working in shorter bursts, then step away from your desk and take a short walk or do some stretching. This can help clear your mind and refresh your energy. Or take a mental break by engaging in a relaxing activity like deep breathing, meditation or listening to music.

The Bristol SU Living Room is a great spot on campus to take a break - you can pick up a book, play a game or just take some time to sit in a comfier seat with a free tea or coffee. We'll also be hosting free exam breakfasts to help set you up for the day and offer advice.

Wednesday 11 January | 10:30-12:30 | SU Free Exam Breakfast with the Wellbeing Service

Wednesday 18 January | 10:30-12:30 | SU Free Exam Breakfast with the Bristol SU Academic Advice team

Look after yourself

During a more stressful time, it's important to look after yourself and your mental health.

Proper rest can help you feel more alert and focused, so get into a routine which will allow you to get a good night's sleep.

If you know you're going to have a particularly busy few days, see if you can prep any meals in advance or rotate cooking with your housemates. Eating well will help your body and mind, but cooking can feel like an additional chore when you're already busy.

Remember to connect with others by talking to friends, other people on your course or your housemates. Sharing your thoughts and concerns can help you feel supported and alleviate stress.

The University Wellbeing Service are running sessions on managing exam stress and building your resilience which you might find useful.

If you need additional support from the University, you can request access to Wellbeing support using the Wellbeing support form.

Be prepared

Student writing notes.

Find a study space that works for you - there is life outside the ASS! (That's the Arts and Social Sciences Library for those who aren't in the loop!)

ResiLife are running Study Sessions so if you're finding it difficult to get into a rhythm, go and join some other people who will also be studying (and there will be snacks!).

Make sure you know what to expect on exam day - you might find our Guide to Assessments helpful.

If you need any help at all with any academic issues, you can get in touch with our Academic Advice service by emailing They can help with extenuating circumstances forms, missed exams and appeals and can advise if you're accused of plagiarism or cheating.

Treat Yourself

Give yourself things to look forward - that could be something small like a chocolate bar, or booking something bigger once exams are over.

The Bristol SU Commercial Refreshers Fair is back on 25 January. Come and enjoy some free pizza, and meet our stallholders for offers and freebies.

If you want to start something new in the New Year, then come along to one of our Give it a Go! sessions once exams are over.


Good luck with your exams and assessments!


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exams, assessments, top tips, wellbeing,

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