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Student Volunteering Week

Student Volunteering Week will be taking place from Monday 5 February until Saturday 10 February in collaboration with Bristol Hub, the Bristol PLUS Award and the Careers Service. This is the perfect opportunity to find out how you can take action and support a wide range of volunteering projects across Bristol. 

We believe volunteering is something that everyone can get involved in. Throughout the week, we will be offering multiple opportunities to volunteer and unique workshops for you to get stuck into, take a look below! 

Get involved, have fun and make a difference! 

Student Volunteering Week, 5-10 February 2024

Looking to volunteer?

The annual Bristol SU Volunteering Fair is back! If you would like to get a taste of what is planned for the week and what opportunities currently exist in Bristol, then head to the Anson Rooms in the Richmond Building from 16:30-18:30 on Wednesday 7th February. You will be able to meet over 40 organisations and learn how you can support important causes across the city. Take a sneak peak of the organisations here!

We're excited to announce the launch of our new site, the Volunteering Hub, on Wednesday 7th February. You'll be able to search through and express interest in volunteering opportunities across the city. In the meantime, why not check out our current Volunteering Page? Sign up for an opportunity, volunteer, and help make a difference during your time in Bristol!